What a final we had at Showtime for Tenerife Loves Karaoke 2016 sponsored by Bombay Babu, the place was jam-packed, the performers were fantastic, and the judges: Dominic James, Michelle Almgill, Robin Elliott and Chris Elkington, had a very hard decision finding the finalists, let alone a winner!
For the first time ever there were 4 finalists not 3, as it was that close, and they sang as follows: Alfie Havenhand-Bailey sang Jenny Don't Be Hasty by Paolo Nutini.......Leigh-Hannah Norton chose Coming Home by Sigma ft Rita Ora.......next up was Kofi-Lee Hopkins-Taylor with When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars ..... and last Kyle Dean Ward sang You Need Me I Don't Need You.
The judges decision as follows:
4th place: Leigh-Hannah Norton
3rd place: Alfie Havenhand-Bailey
2nd place: Kyle Dean Ward
And the winner is............Kofi-Lee Hopkins-Taylor, who won 1,000 euros!!!
(left to right: Robin Elliott, Prakesh from Bombay Babu, Dominic James, Michelle Almgill, Winner Kofi, Kyle, Alfie, Leigh)